Introducing a redesigned Employee Bank Account Listing Page, Previous Salary Teaser Card, Robustness Improvements, and a host of Updates & Fixes

Versions: 4.37.1 (4.37.1-4.39)
Release dates: May 12th, 2023.

This week we’re introducing a few feature improvements and bug fixes. Here are a few of them:

Employee Bank Account Listing Redesign

Now you can view all bank accounts (Active, Inactive, Primary, Secondary). Other updates to this section include:

  • Minor Updates to the User Interface
  • Added the ability to sort all of the columns

Previous Salary Teaser Card

Added a salary teaser card that shows the previous salary of the employee (if there is one) on the employee view page under their current salary.

Payroll Employees Multi-Update

Now you can select multiple employees on an unapproved payroll and update them all at once. This multi-select option for employees can now be used to either ‘Remove’ or ‘Re-calculate’. We’ll be adding some more options in future releases.

Minor Features and Updates

  1. Changes to Multi-salary Pro-rated Calculation – Multi-salary pro-rated percentage-based calculation method now calculates based on the ‘days-worked’ method.
  2. Changes to Single-salary Pro-rated Calculation – Single-salary pro-rated percentage-based calculation method now calculates based on the ‘days-worked’ method.
  3. Automated Tests – We’ve added backend tests to TechlifyHR to improve app robustness, and ensure that releases are consistent and of high quality.
  4. PDF Export – PDF Export now shows a popup dialog asking you to choose between the browser’s built-in PDF generation or the ‘Use Legacy PDF’ button.
  5. Employees Bank Account Page – Sorting by the columns will display un-filled values first.
  6. Paysheet Numbering – Added index column to the paysheet.
  7. Incident Form Reporter – The incident form will now set the reporter as the user currently logged in. 
  8. New Payslips Fields – On a payslip, you now have the fields:
    1. Join Date
    2. Timesheet Days – Shows a count of the ‘Number of days worked’ during the payroll period.  

Bug Fixes

  1. Employees in the NIS TXT File – Fixed a bug where employees who ‘Do Not Pay NIS’ were appearing in the NIS TXT file.
  2. Updated Salary Form – Fixed a bug where errors show when trying to refresh the page while on the Salary Form.
  3. Timeline Filter – Fixed a bug where the Timeline Filter on the Payroll Department Summary Report was not consistent.
  4. Time-rated Employees not showing – Fixed a bug where time-rated employees would not show up when trying to add them to payroll from the employee add form.
  5. Hourly Rate Calculations – Fixed a bug in the salary form where changing the daily work hours and weekly work days would not update calculations for the hourly rate.
  6. Allowance and Other Income Date – Fixed an issue where the ‘Allowance’ date and ‘Other Income’ date were sometimes shifting back one day depending on your computer’s timezone, this is now consistent.
  7. Importing Attendance –  Fixed an issue where importing attendance would fail if the date was the same as the join date of an employee.
  8. Training Page – Fixed the search functionality on the “Training listing” page. 

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