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Software Development

Why Your Software Project Documentation Is Critical Pre-development

Project documentation is the implementation of a streamlined, efficient, and uniform process for producing the key documents that are required to implement a new project successfully. Project documentation encompasses all the documentation part involved in a project. It makes  Project expectations and objectives intact;  Project tasks traceable; and  Helps address any project issues among others

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Tech News

Benefits of tools such as GSuite or Office365

Having a professional company email with your company domain (eg: joshua [at] is sometimes done using your web host manager’s server and then used via Webmail or Microsoft Outlook. We’ve been transitioning more and more of our clients from server-hosted emails (BlueHost, GoDaddy, etc.) to GSuite recently. As an organization, there are a number

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Guyanese IT business honoured at BIZ X awards in US

Information Technology (IT) company Techlify Inc has been named the winner of Best IT Organization and Best Business Software at the 2020 BIZ X Awards, an annual event that honors the best of the best small and medium-sized businesses around the world. The awards, held last week in Nashville, Tennessee, showcase exceptional results for business

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