Quality Standards & Certification


At our location, 94 Laluni Street Queenstown, we take pride in designing, creating, delivering, and maintaining software solutions, marketing strategies, and IT support services in compliance with client needs, global industry standards, and our team culture.
Techlify Inc. excludes the scope since no measurement instrument is required for the provision of our services and products.

Quality Policy:

Techlify Inc is dedicated to Continuously Improving our Quality Systems and Infrastructure in an effort to use technology to enable business owners and employees to take more time off and achieve more results while making more money!

We aim to accomplish this by investing in training and development of our teams, exploring new knowledge, technology and practices to further enhance our capacity and skills of our team members.

Techlify aims to improve the quality and workflows of our products by listening to our customers and doing our best to meet expectations according to the requirements of ISO9001; 2015 standard and statutory and regulatory requirements!

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