New Year, New Features, MORE to love!

– Rewards and recognition for employee engagement, app-wide improvements

Welcome back! This year is packed with even more useful, cool features to make your Payroll and HR tasks a lot easier with the release of version 3.1.0

New Module Alert !

new module

Let’s ring in the New Year with a new module to add to your collection; Rewards and Recognition.

This new module, while in beta stage, is setting the tone for an exciting new slew of releases, including employee recognition, badges, rewards for excellent performance, among other things.
To make use of this feature, select the module and add a new reward. Choose and fill in fields like the employee name, date of reward, type and quantity of reward.

We have included some simple, easy to select rewards, such as,

  • Cash,
  • Time off,
  • Points,
  • Badges,
  • and Vouchers.

Additionally, you can now customize the types of rewards employees receive, giving you control over your employee experience.

rewards form, how to add rewards

Reports & Exports

Our Work-time report is now fully active, allowing you to generate a time report for any employee you choose. To access this report, head to the payroll module and select “reports” on the horizontal bar.

image shows work time report

Other awesome updates we have made to improve your experience include an updated employee export functionality which allows you to export employee data to excel for your own use.

We also rolled out a new NIS weekly report, which gives you the option to pull NIS reports for employees for up to five weeks at a time. This report ensures NIS Contributions for your weekly and fortnightly earners are being adequately represented.

Leave Management

Our leave management and absent record merge now have an update, allowing you to see both paid and unpaid leaves by selecting a filter.

absent and leave management
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