What’s new? Audit Logs, Bug fixes, and more.

This week, our stream of new releases includes several bug fixes, user experience updates, and general improvements to the workflow of the software.

Audit Logs

Among those improvements include the Audit logs for employee information and salaries. To access this feature, view the employee’s information. The clock icon will be visible to you under the employee’s personal information card.

personal information

Seasonal Employment

Other additions to the site include integrating seasonal employment features across the app. What this means for you is the ability to bulk-add employees and their seasonal salaries through excel imports. Seasonal employment features are now available on the employee import, multi-add, and salary import.

seasonal employement form

User Experience Improvements

  • Our salaries page has been updated to include multi-select filters, salary view links, and allowance columns among other exciting user experience improvements.
  • You can now enter decimal values in employee allowance fields.
  • Additional filters were added to the payroll view page to allow better usage of the Payroll module.


Coming Soon

* Exit Process Management
* Survey Module
* Self-Service, Help, and Feedback platform

For any queries or comments, contact our support team.

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