Techlification Booklet

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Techlification” is the process where we, Techlify Inc. through a combination of advanced digital technologies and platforms, guide and transform your business into a highly efficient and effective unit of digital operations.

Our Business Techlification process includes creating brand new or updating existing digital infrastructure to transform business processes, organizational culture and customer experience, so you always stay ahead in today’s ever-changing marketing and business environment.

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Team & Collaboration

With the advent of the global pandemic, the world has seen a drastic shift in the way people do things. This effect can be felt the strongest in the work of business, where the concept of online collaboration is no more a luxury but rather a necessity. 

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Accounting & Finance

Accounting & Finance is one of the most highly-valued industries world-wide, and any professional or company that specializes in this profession needs to stay ahead as much as possible. With the ever-evolving digital era comes new opportunities for success; and with it also comes fresh challenges that cannot be overcome with higher knowledge, skill or experience.

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Marketing & Advertising

As one of the most important and integral parts of any business, brand or industry, Marketing can be described as the overall effort made to get the product or service noticed in a positive light by all those who come across it. The word Marketing has such a broad-spectrum definition because it encompasses such a varied list of interconnected processes that need to work together in order to achieve the desired outcome for your brand and business.

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Sales is in most cases the single most important aspect of a business, immaterial of the size, scale or even the industry that it is involved in. In the most basic sense, the term ‘sales’ refers to any transaction where a predetermined amount of money is exchanged for the ownership of goods, real estate, intellectual property or the entitlement to service. 

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Customer Service

Customer Service is the direct, personal interaction between a consumer and a representative from companies or brands who are selling their products or services. It forms a very vital component of business, that can be before, during, or after purchase as it allows businesses to connect with their customers on an individual level.

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Human Resource

Human resources are the most valuable resource of any company or organization. They can be described as both people who work for a business, but also are in charge of managing all aspects related to employees or the collective workforce that represent an organisation.

Techlification Booklet


‘Operations’ are like the engines of your business, as it basically drives everything related to your business. It doesn’t matter what kind of company you have; whether its offering services, manufacturing, creating products or selling them – every company needs to keep its operations running well in order for their business to be successful.

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Business Development

The business development process should help your company make more money, get new customers and expand. You can do this by introducing initiatives that will increase revenue by getting new customers, expanding your business, building strategic partnerships or making key business decisions, thus creating new opportunities for growth.

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